Benchill Primary School

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Benchill Primary Design & Technology Curriculum


The Benchill Curriculum for design and technology aims to:

  • Inspire and engage children by letting them design and create products.

  • Teach practical skills through hands-on activities.

  • Help children understand and solve real-world problems.

  • Build knowledge across subjects like math, science, engineering, computing, and art.

  • Develop resourceful, innovative, and capable citizens.

  • Show the impact of design and technology on our daily lives and the world.


To achieve these goals, the Benchill Curriculum includes:

  • Creating Products: Each unit focuses on making a product, helping children learn creative, technical, and practical skills.

  • Concepts and Skills: Units like "Build" and "Sew" guide children through investigating, designing, making, and evaluating products, enhancing their knowledge and skills.

  • The Design Process: Structured activities help children critique, evaluate, and test their ideas and products.

  • Cooking and Nutrition: Each year, children make two recipes to develop cooking skills and understand nutrition.


With the Benchill Curriculum, your child will:

  • Gain the expertise needed for everyday tasks and thrive in a technological world.

  • Learn to design and make high-quality products for various users.

  • Develop critical thinking by evaluating their own and others' work.

  • Understand and apply nutrition principles through hands-on cooking experiences.