Benchill Primary School

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Benchill Primary Music Curriculum


  1. introduction

    • Briefly introduce the purpose of the document.

    • Emphasize the universal significance of music.

  2. The Value of Music Education

    • Discuss why music is considered a universal language.

    • Highlight the role of music in fostering creativity.

  3. Engagement and Inspiration

    • Explain the goals of the music program at Benchill Primary.

    • Describe how high-quality music education engages and inspires pupils.

  4. Development of Musical Talent

    • Detail how the program nurtures students' musical talents.

    • Mention the impact on self-confidence, creativity, and sense of achievement.

  5. Progression and Critical Engagement

    • Outline the progression of music education from early years to advanced levels.

    • Describe how students develop critical engagement with music.

    • Discuss the importance of composing and listening skills.

  6. Conclusion

    • Summarize the key points.

    • Reinforce the commitment to providing high-quality music education.

Detailed Rationale for Music Education at Benchill Primary


Music is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. It embodies one of the highest forms of creativity, allowing individuals to express themselves and connect with others on a profound level. At Benchill Primary, we are dedicated to providing high-quality music education that engages and inspires our pupils.

The Value of Music Education

Music education is vital because it is a universal language that speaks to everyone, regardless of background. It fosters creativity, which is crucial for the holistic development of children. By engaging with music, students learn to think outside the box, solve problems creatively, and express their emotions in healthy ways.

Engagement and Inspiration

Our music program at Benchill Primary aims to captivate students' interest and inspire a lifelong love of music. We believe that high-quality music education can transform the way students perceive and interact with the world. By exposing them to diverse musical genres and traditions, we encourage them to appreciate the richness of global cultures and histories.

Development of Musical Talent

As our students engage with music, they naturally develop their musical talents. Our program is designed to boost their self-confidence, enhance their creativity, and provide a sense of achievement. We offer various opportunities for students to perform, compose, and collaborate, helping them to realize their full potential as musicians.

Progression and Critical Engagement

At Benchill Primary, we ensure that our pupils' musical education progresses from foundational skills to more advanced concepts. As they grow, students develop a critical engagement with music, learning to compose their own pieces and listen discerningly to the best in the musical canon. This critical engagement fosters not only a deeper appreciation for music but also sharpens their analytical and evaluative skills.


In conclusion, music education at Benchill Primary is more than just learning to play an instrument or sing a song. It is about nurturing a love for music, developing critical thinking skills, and fostering a sense of achievement. We are committed to providing high-quality music education that inspires and engages our students, helping them to grow into confident, creative, and accomplished individuals


Intent of Music Education at Benchill Primary School

National Curriculum Objectives

The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all children:

  • Perform, listen to, review, and evaluate music: Engage in active music-making and critical assessment of musical works.

  • Be taught to sing, create, and compose music: Develop vocal skills and creative abilities through singing and composition.

  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced, and communicated: Gain insights into the processes and techniques involved in music production and communication.


Benchill Primary School's Commitment

At Benchill Primary School, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive music education that aligns with the National Curriculum objectives and fosters a deep appreciation and understanding of music in our students.


Comprehensive Musical Understanding

Our program ensures that children gain a firm understanding of what music is by:

  • Listening: Exposing students to a wide range of music from different historical periods, styles, traditions, and genres to broaden their musical horizons.

  • Singing: Teaching students to sing with confidence and expression, developing their vocal skills and musicality.

  • Playing: Offering opportunities to play various instruments, enhancing their practical skills and enjoyment of music.

  • Evaluating and Analyzing: Encouraging critical thinking through the evaluation and analysis of musical works, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding.

  • Composing: Guiding students in creating their own music, nurturing their creativity and compositional skills.


Fostering Interest and Acceptance

We are committed to developing a genuine interest in music among our students by:

  • Promoting Understanding and Acceptance: Emphasizing the validity and importance of all types of music, from classical to contemporary, and fostering an unbiased respect for diverse musical expressions.

  • Encouraging Personal Expression: Recognizing and valuing the role that music plays in individuals' lives, encouraging students to express themselves through music.


Community and Real-World Application

We aim to ensure that children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community by:

  • Connecting Music to the Community: Highlighting how music can bring people together and enhance community life, encouraging students to participate in local musical events and initiatives.

  • Applying Musical Skills: Equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to involve themselves in music in a variety of contexts, from school performances to community projects.



At Benchill Primary School, our music education program is designed to engage, inspire, and educate students, fostering a lifelong love for music. By aligning with the National Curriculum objectives and promoting a comprehensive understanding of music, we ensure that our students develop the skills, confidence, and appreciation necessary to actively participate in and contribute to the musical world. Our commitment to inclusivity and respect for all types of music prepares students to embrace the rich diversity of musical expression and its significance in their lives and communities.


Implementation of Music Education at Benchill Primary School

Structured Music Curriculum

The music curriculum at Benchill Primary School is designed to ensure that children engage in singing, listening, playing, performing, and evaluating music. This comprehensive approach is achieved through several key components:

  • Charanga Music Programme: A structured and progressive music curriculum that provides engaging and interactive lessons, ensuring consistency and comprehensive musical education.

  • Weekly Singing Assemblies: Regular opportunities for students to come together and sing, promoting community spirit and vocal development.

  • Concerts and Performances: Various events throughout the year where students can showcase their musical talents, gaining confidence and performance experience.

  • Musical Clubs: Extracurricular activities that offer additional opportunities for students to explore and enjoy music.

  • Specialist Music Teachers: Expert instructors who bring specialized knowledge and skills, enhancing the quality of music education.


Classroom Integration

In the classroom, music education is embedded through:

  • Elements of Music: Teaching the fundamental aspects of music, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, and timbre, so that students can understand and discuss music using appropriate terminology.

  • Cross-Curricular Links: Integrating music education with other subjects to create a holistic learning experience. For example, exploring historical music periods in history lessons or using mathematical concepts in music theory.

  • Language of Music: Encouraging students to use musical terminology to dissect and analyze music, enhancing their comprehension and appreciation.


Composition and Performance

Students are given opportunities to compose and perform music, focusing on various dimensions and elements of music:

  • Composition: Students learn to create their own music, exploring different dimensions such as melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics. This creative process helps them understand the building blocks of music and enhances their listening and analytical skills.

  • Body Percussion and Vocal Sounds: Utilizing body percussion and vocal sounds to teach musical elements without the added complexity of instruments. This method helps students grasp fundamental concepts and develop rhythmic and melodic skills.


Cross-Curricular Links

Music education at Benchill Primary is enhanced through cross-curricular links:

  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Connecting music with other subjects such as history, mathematics, and language arts. For example, studying the historical context of a musical piece or exploring mathematical patterns in music.

  • Holistic Understanding: Promoting a broader understanding of music and its relevance to various academic disciplines and real-life contexts.


Specialist Teaching and Extracurricular Activities

The music curriculum is further enriched by:

  • Specialist Music Teachers: Bringing expertise and specialized instruction to enhance students' learning experiences.

  • Musical Clubs and Activities: Offering extracurricular opportunities for students to explore different aspects of music, develop new skills, and pursue their musical interests.



The implementation of the music curriculum at Benchill Primary School ensures that students receive a well-rounded and comprehensive music education. Through structured programs, classroom integration, and opportunities for composition and performance, students develop a deep understanding and appreciation of music. The inclusion of specialist teaching and extracurricular activities further enriches their musical journey, preparing them to engage with and contribute to the musical world in various contexts

Impact of Music Education at Benchill Primary School

Personal Development and Achievement

Music education at Benchill Primary School provides students with access to a varied and comprehensive program, enabling them to:

  • Discover Strengths and Areas for Improvement: Through diverse musical activities, students identify their strengths and areas where they can improve, fostering personal growth and achievement.

  • Build Self-Confidence: Performing, composing, and participating in musical activities boost students' self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Enhance Interaction and Awareness: Collaborative music-making promotes interaction with peers and raises awareness of others' contributions and perspectives.

  • Encourage Self-Reflection: Music encourages introspection, allowing students to reflect on their learning and personal development.


Cultural and Historical Understanding

Music education enriches students' understanding of culture and history by:

  • Exploring Diverse Ethnicities: Introducing students to music from various cultures, fostering an appreciation and respect for global musical traditions.

  • Connecting to Personal Heritage: Helping students understand their own cultural background through the study of music, enhancing their sense of identity and belonging.


Versatile Musical Engagement

Students at Benchill Primary School experience music in multiple ways:

  • As Listeners: Developing critical listening skills, enabling them to enjoy and analyze music with greater depth.

  • As Creators: Encouraging creativity through composition, allowing students to express themselves and experiment with musical ideas.

  • As Performers: Building performance skills through singing and playing instruments, fostering confidence and stage presence.


Comprehensive Musical Understanding

Through the music program, students gain a deep and comprehensive understanding of music:

  • Analyzing Music: Learning to dissect music into its components, such as rhythm, melody, harmony, and dynamics, and understanding how these elements interact.

  • Feeling the Pulse: Developing rhythmic awareness and the ability to maintain a steady beat, crucial for musical performance.

  • Skill Development: Acquiring the foundational skills needed to pursue further musical interests, whether in formal education or personal exploration.


Lifelong Musical Skills

The music curriculum equips students with lifelong skills and knowledge:

  • Adaptability: Providing a foundation in music that students can build upon, should they choose to pursue music more deeply in the future.

  • Enjoyment and Participation: Ensuring that students can enjoy music throughout their lives, whether as amateurs, enthusiasts, or professionals.



The impact of music education at Benchill Primary School is profound and far-reaching. By offering a varied and enriching music program, we enable students to develop fundamental abilities such as self-confidence, interaction with others, and self-reflection. Music education broadens their cultural and historical understanding, allowing them to appreciate the diversity of global musical traditions. Furthermore, it provides them with versatile skills and knowledge, empowering them to engage with music in multiple ways and fostering a lifelong love for music. Through this comprehensive approach, we prepare our students to become well-rounded individuals with a deep appreciation for the arts and the skills to pursue their musical interests throughout their lives.