Benchill Primary School

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Benchill Primary Maths Curriculum

How our Maths contributes to our whole school curriculum intent.

Intention one: Our learners will achieve excellent and sustained academic progress.

Intention two: Our learners will develop effective lifelong learning behaviours.

Intention three: Our learners will be supported to think critically and creatively.  

Intention four: Our learners will become well-informed and responsible citizens. 

Why we want excellent Maths at Benchill Primary School.

 How we will achieve it and how we will know we are being successful?


  • Benchill is fully committed to mastery teaching within mathematics. We use a mastery approach across the whole school which has been implemented for a number of years. 

  • Much of the success for our pupils can be attributed to following a Maths curriculum built on a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to teaching Maths; that values exploration and  instruction and is underpinned by reasoning. 

  • Visitors to our school could expect to see exploration of problems, peer collaboration, personal reflection, guided practice and independent practice within our Maths lessons.


How leaders monitor and implement expectations for mathematics:

  • Maths CPD

  • Maths workshop

  • Staff attend maths no problem training

  • Book looks

  • Key subject specific vocabulary is established for each unit of work 

  • Subject monitoring completed each term including: pupil voice, book looks and learning walks

  • Bespoke support provided to staff 


  • Data

  • Staff voice (subject knowledge/resourcing)

  • Pupils will be ready for their stage of education within and across year groups

  • Pupil voice, learning walks and book looks will be used to evaluate and enhance curriculum impact 

  • Pupils will be assessed individually using the well-developed component skills and knowledge during each unit of work

  • Children’s examples will be provided for each year group to support moderation and understanding of the expected standard.

  • Early Learning Goals and Ready to Progress Criteria help form our assessment programme

Our Rationale - why we do what we do and why we have chosen this


The development of mathematical knowledge, vocabulary and skills are interwoven throughout the Reception day. The Reception approach focuses on mastering early number, using the NCETM Mastering Number Program. During the Reception year, the children receive a daily maths lesson which lasts approximately 20minutes. This lesson comprises of a whole class teacher input, the children then complete tasks/activities within the environment relating to the concepts being taught.


KS1 and KS2

Our mastery approach begins in Y1, then continuing through the whole school. In all year groups, we continue to use a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach where exploration is valued even with our eldest pupils. This exploration is coupled with a continuation of direct instruction and independent work. Adaptations include the use of manipulatives and again these are used with our eldest pupils as well as our youngest. 

At KS1, Mastering Early Number enables our youngest children to develop their number facts and parent maths programmes aid their development at home as well as in school. The KS2 Mastering Number programme takes this further, introducing times tables fluency and formal methods coupled with problem-solving and reasoning in a variety of contexts. Throughout both key stages, the maths no problem textbooks allow our teachers to focus on the how of learning and tackling misconceptions whilst providing challenge for all.